Fantastic Film Festival Sitges: The Spanish presentation of Pet

carles-torrens-pelicula-pet-sitges_961715163_115107097_1024x681      A report by one of our Spanish Dominians, Carmen.

During the international promotion of his new movie Pet, Dominic Monaghan was joined by Spanish director Carles Torrens and co-star Ksenia Solo.

And what better place to present this work of art than the prestigious Festival of Fantastic Film Sitges, which this year celebrates its 49th edition.

This festival, which hosts a huge variety of fantasy genre films, is ideal to present films that can be considered uncommercial, and outside the large franchises platform.

A low budget, great revelation actors and a huge amount of imagination is their slogan. And it’s been exciting to track the deployment of the fantasy and the artistic sense that has occurred in this Mediterranean resort, daily, through the media and its official website.

As you can imagine, in Sitges, they take risks. And it is committed to absolute freedom without censorship. With this wonderful freedom, the results artworks are uncompressed in the narrow corsets of political correctness.

So, the Festival is the perfect place to publicize risky films such as Pet, which won the award for best original screenplay, competing alongside with some of the most interesting films of the genre of fantasy films of this year.

We want to congratulate all the winners and we, at Dominians United, wish the team of Pet an enormous success worldwide.

Moreover, it’s official, the release of the movie has been announced for USA theaters on December 2. From here, we recommend that if this movie is projected in a cinema near you, do not hesitate to buy the ticket. Or pre-order on iTunes!


So, get ready to enjoy a great movie, with intense and deep characters and surprising script twists. Surely it will blow you away.



On Sitges Daily:

In the edition of daily festival, on Tuesday, October 11 2016, there was a brief review of Pet.

In the edition of daily Festival on Wednesday October 12 2016, you can read an interesting interview with Carles Torrens, the director.

Press conference

At the press conference, the most interesting points of the film are recounted. You can watch it complete below, with simultaneous translation.

Just look at the way he and Ksenia made photos at the beginning! so lovely!


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Basically, all the media speaks about the press conference. There are some photos inside, but all from the same moment.

Interview at Radio Cat 1: El món a RAC1, amb Jordi Basté.

dominterviewpetBefore the first screening of the film, Carles Torrens and Dominic Monaghan attended his first radio interview where they talked about the beginnings of the project, and told some interesting facts, without spoilers.

Here you can access the full interview directly:

I listened in live streaming this first interview, where they spoke about very interesting things I didn’t know about Dominic and his career.

The interview begin with Carles Torrens, the young director of the film, and later, with Dominic, the main actor.

The interviewer said that he had seen the film and that he was impressed: “The film is esplendid”, he said! He didn’t wanted to spoil the film, and just gave a short summary like: Boy meets girls, he has a crush, she doesn’t care, and he grows more and more obsessed with her. In fact, this is a love story.

Carles Torrens said that Pet is the type of horror like films such as Hostel, Martirs, or something like that, and he called it “torture porn”. But, he wants to surprise us: The film should seem this kind of genre, but, in fact it’s not.

Sure there is blood in Pet, so this is a fantastic festival where zombies and monsters of any kind live, but the film really tells another story.

The director intentions was to make audience enjoy the film, not suffer it. It should be called a “black comedy of love”, defined by Carles Torrens himself.

By the way, blood is an element for love. There is something weird in this love, and it has an interesting twist here. (I’m not going to tell you it for now!). I only can tell you that the film is honest and frightening.

The director explained all the struggles he went through to finally film that story, because the script was owned by MGM and it was almost impossible. When Carles bought it, he made it with a low budget and a few weeks, like a group of friend could do.

The film releases 2 December in the US, and then, he doesn’t know. If it sells well, it will go ahead. If not, It will go to Netflix. There is no date to other countries.

The interviewer then turns his attention to Dominic, who commented that he is a great cinema lover. He reminded us that his brother lives in Barcelona, and that it’s difficult for him to go to the cinema. He says that surely, his little nephew prefers to see the films he loves in netflix, sitting at his sofa, comfortably at home, in pajamas with his teddy bear.

He spoke about Charlie: He said that the (awarded) screenwriter was inspired by this Lost character, and that he wrote it directly for Dom: He loved the way Charlie managed to be a good person, but by circumstances, he couldn’t be as good he wanted.

The screenwriter thought Dom was perfect for the role of Seth, because he knew that Dom can go from a nice guy to a terrible one, and this was the story he wanted to tell.

Later, they spoke about Dom’s TV show Wild Things, and Dom said that he keeps animals at home. You know, he is an animals lover! One of the most interesting things he said, was that he wants to change people’s mind to love not only dogs, and cats and ponies. All the animals are important. So he has at home the arquetypical animals that everybody fears: spiders, snakes and bees.

He also shows his forearm tatoo and the scar behind it. This was the bite of a monitor lizard.

BTW, he showed his recently operated foot, and his nails, painted with the Manchester United colours (we all know he’s an absolute United fanatic:You guessed!).

A funny thing about his foot painted nails was when Carles Torrent said: It happened that in one scene of Pet, Seth had to shower, and Dom’s feet where nail-painted. As Seth is not supposed to wear toes painted, they had to erase the nail paint in post-production. So funny! BTW, they were electric blue!

And those are some photos they took at the Radio interview.

Interview with El Cinèfil amb JR Armadàs

dominterviewpet2This interview is superb, one of the best he did at Sitges. He speaks sincerely about his career and future. It’s written in catalán. You have here, the link to the complete interview, and below, a translated extract.

His is a familiar face. It is no less than a member of The Fellowship of the Ring, still looking like a friendly hobbit today. Dominic Monaghan has over twenty years dedicated to interpretation.

This October he has visited Catalonia with a “local” traveling companion: The Catalan director Carles Torrens who has directed the film Pet (which just premiered at the Sitges Festival) where he played a bored young man obsessed to extremes with a sickly ex-companion of school.

Let me start asking a question about language … Do you know what Pet means in Catalan?

No. Do you means how do they say “pet” in Catalan?

No, I mean that pet is what happens when you eat a lot of beans …

No way …

Yes … but you better talk about the film. This was a character that you pursued very much. What attracted you to a flat lonely boy?

He is an interesting guy … I like complex characters who are not what they seem. Seth is someone who is trying to be normal but he doesn’t know what normal is. This makes him suffer and makes it difficult for him to fit into society. No friends, no girlfriend and a dead end job at a kennel. He is angry and frustrated. This really gives him a lot to work with as an actor.

Do you like playing the bad boy?

I do not know if Seth is bad.

Man, kidnapping an old school acquaintance does not make him citizen of the year …

I always try to like my characters although they are bad. Seth was fun to play because he is a unique character.

Do you combine big Hollywood productions with European cinema on purpose?

For me there is not much of a difference because my job is the same. I like learning the scripts, I must say my sentences. It’s the same. In short: I act and I have done films that have cost a lot of money and others on a little budget. In my case I always try to do the best I can. So I do not make much distinction.

But European cinema and Hollywood are not the same. What differences do you see?

European cinema seems a little more artistic. The American cinema, unfortunately, seems to have faded to franchise superhero, sequel and … explosions, guns, girls kissing. I’ve grown up in European cinema and I feel European in this regard. Oh, and it also seems that in Europe there are fewer piles of money to make movies.

What do you think of Carles Torrens as a director?

He has a very artistic mind. He likes to add silences, atmosphere and nature. He wants to add the beautiful and the ugly things. The decisions made by the camera, the lens is … You can see he is someone who takes seriously what he does.

Let’s go to the past. Specifically to Middle-earth. To be a hobbit changed your life forever?

I think so. So my career was going in another direction and Lord of the Rings changed it completely. I grew up with the books because my father was a fan. He knew the name of Gandalf and Bilbo and it was a real honor to be part of that world for a while. I made many good friends and it was a fantastic experience that also took me to the cinema of the United States. And all played by a small Hobbit.

Is it annoying to always be reminded as Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry)?

No way! It doesn’t bother me. It will be an honor to the day I die and even then people will say “oh he was Merry in Lord of the Rings.” What I want, as an actor, is to thrill people, that they appreciate my work and come to see me. And you would agree that many people have seen Lord of the Rings.

You spent three years working on this project … It seems like a daunting task.

Of course. I do not think that will be happening again. It is not easy to find franchises like this and this is a period that I will always remember.

Tell me a good memory and a bad one from that time.

The best moments are the friends you make. This is for me the legacy of Lord of the Rings. Now I have a friend who is called Peter Jackson, one who’s name is Viggo Mortensen, another that is Elijah Wood… We experienced something together and we forged a friendship for life.

Do not forget the bad memories …

Mmmm … hangovers. Hobbits and beer … bad combination!

It was a period of a lot of alcohol in my life. But there is something else wrong. I fell of the horse a couple of times but it was fun and all. I was only 21 years old and two beautiful girls in New Zealand even broke my heart twice.

Now I look back the era of “The Lord of the Rings” and I think it was all very sweet.

And from Middle-earth, to stay lost on an island in Lost! From big project to big project.

The only reason I had a meeting with J.J. Abrams was because he was a big fan of the trilogy. At that time I was in the eye of the hurricane. People knew who I was, and I was desperate for a modern role, because Merry was someone who lived in a fantasy world far away thousands of years. I wanted to play someone who talks like me, who looked like me. In fact, at that time I was very similar to Charlie on Lost. I have a history with drugs and bad decisions … and fantasize with women and the wrong people. You know … wasting money on nonsense. Many of the things that happened to Charlie I already knew. I’ve fallen asleep in bars and woke up in very stranges places. I knew that and J.J. knew that I knew.

Do you look forward to returning to the TV?

I grew up doing Shakespeare on TV so I do not mind. I will go to projects based on their quality. If I read something I like I do it.

What do you search for in these scripts?

If the script is good you can build a project around it. I say no to large projects if the script is not good. It can give you a lot of money but if something sucks, it can end your career.

Would you return to a superhero franchise as you did with Wolverine Origins?

Depending on whether it is good. I enjoyed a lot the Nolan Batman, and new Spiderman … So it depends. I always need a good story and a good director to make a good performance.

Do you have a goal to get as an actor?

So back to the beginning, as a Pet character’s Seth, my family and friends do not recognize me. I’m lost in my character and I like that. I want to continue exploring that. I want to make films with a message, with social repercussions. I want to work with great actors. De Niro, Pacino, Christopher Walken, Meryl Steep … And I still have a lot of directors to discover. I hope to work soon with Duncan Jones and would love to do something with Darren Aronofsky. I have been acting for 22 years and I feel that I have just begun.


Hotel Melià Sitges

In the Melia Sitges hotel where they conducted interviews, press conferences and events.

pethotel1 petphotoshotel

Red carpet

The first appearance of Pet team, formed by Carles Torrens, Dominic Monaghan and Ksenia Solo, on Tuesday 11, the second day of screening of the film at the Festival photocall.


Bacardi party

There was also time for fun, and to make contact with other participants in this great festival, in the Bacardi Party that was held Thursday night.

petbacardi sitgesbacardi1

The Gaffer Tapes week 36 with Dom

In April Dom appeared on The Gaffer Tapes, just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on this podcast so here is the link!

Dom being a big football fan, it really shouldn’t be much of a surprise that he has been playing Fantasy Football, you can join The Gaffer Tapes league for this year’s FPL (Fantasy Premier League), click HERE. (PIN: 4945-2085)

He also gave his Dominians a shout out! What a lovely guy.

Q&A with #WildThings Frank the cameraman

frank5If you’ve been watching Wild Things you surely must have a fond love for Frank the cameraman, like we do! I hear many mention that the chemistry between Frank and Dom is part of the reason why the show is so fantastic. We hear Dominic talk about the show quite a lot in interviews but we wanted to reach out to Frank, especially since our previous blog about him “Frank the cameraman’s wild life” is still one of our most read blog items, and he was kind enough to answer fan questions 🙂

Did you and @DomsWildThings know each other before Wild Things or how did it come about that you started working on the show?

Frank: We both knew the TV executive…and he connected the dots.

So when you met Dom for the first time.. First impressions?

Frank: Dom was listening to Sigur Ros in his car and I thought at least we like the same music.

When do you find out where you’re going and what animal you’re looking for when filming the episodes?

Frank: In pre production we come up with target animals that we would like to interact with and that determines the countries we visit. Doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes we don’t find what we’re looking for and a big rethink is in order.

We all know @DomsWildThings is fearless but do you have any animals you are or were not too comfortable around?

Frank: Snakes used to freak me out! (Thanks mom) but Dom helped me get over that. Big reptiles still make me queasy.

What is it like as the cameraman when things go wrong, for example when Dom was bitten by monitor lizard in season 2?


Frank: Dom and I agreed in season 1 regardless of what happens…keep shooting. We have a very fine medic with us. it was still very emotional to see Dom injured like that. But it all turned out well and he has a pretty nifty scar.

What about you, do you have any epic scars from working on the show?

Frank: So far I have got off easy. No battle scars. I’m pretty light on my toes and the adrenaline keeps me sharp.

What was it like having an angry elephant charge towards you??


We always have to be on our toes.. I got sucked in that day…paying more attention to my viewfinder than my surroundings. I really thought my life was over. I went to a very quiet space and accepted my fate. But the miracle of Shultzie intervened. (Donald Schultz – medic that was with them when this episode was filmed, he distracted the elephant)

What does your family think of #wildthings? Especially when they hear all the “step back Frank”, “watch out Frank”?

Frank: It’s better that being shot at… I’ve spent most of my career in combat zones. My family prefers Wild Things to war.

I can see that! Wild Things sounds like a lot more fun too.

Frank: I love shooting with Dom and we have developed a pretty solid friendship over the years.


Are you excited for the new season airing in Canada (OLN) and US (Travel Channel)?

Frank: Very excited…we went to a lot of amazing places this season. Saw some incredible wild things and had some great times!

How has season 3 been different now that @travelchannel is on board, in terms of equipment etc you got to work with?

Frank: we moved to shooting on 4K and lots more drone to show off the landscape. Also experimenting with VR. (You can watch Wild Things in 4K in Canada on Rogers Channel 999)

That sounds like a lot of luggage to carry around!

Frank: 25 to 30 cases per trip. I loathe checking in. It’s truly the low point of our adventures. Takes hours!

Do you have a favourite season 3 adventure/memory?

Frank: Without giving too much away. Two cheetahs in South Africa. Mind blowing experience. Tune in and you’ll understand.


Can you remember any moments that were amazing but didn’t make it in the final cut or you somehow didn’t manage to capture it?

Frank: So many things don’t make the cut…but all the good stuff that doesn’t end up on the show appears online as bonus scenes. (Check them out at Travel Channel:

What was it like having @BillyBoydActor traveling with you last season? Would you like more guests?

Frank: @BillyBoydActor was a truly decent human being! He even carried my camera when I was aching. Want more guests!!!


Will we ever see your face on the show? People are curious about the mystery cameraman Frank.

Frank: probably not. I’m not a big fan of being in front of the lens.


If you want to reach out to Frank and tell him how awesome he is, you can do so on twitter @Kolaporekid and Instagram! His official website is:

Meanwhile awesome tshirts have been made in honour of Frank by @CrawliesWithCri – you can buy one too and part of your money will go to a charity chosen by Frank, the Kenyan guards protecting elephants against poachers!

watchoutfrank3  nowavailable watchoutfrank2 watchoutfrank1

Get your own “Watch Out Frank!” tshirt here:

And don’t forget to tune into Wild Things on OLN Canada and Travel Channel USA!!

Ecorazzi’s interview with Dominic Monaghan

wild-things-dominic-monaghan-on-location-0018.jpg.rend.tccom.1280.960Ecorazzi has posted an interview they did recently with Dominic Monaghan about his new season of Wild Things:

Actor, animal lover and travel enthusiast Dominic Monaghan is returning to TV with his nature show, “Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan,” which premieres on the Travel Channel next week.

Like his previous seasons on BBC America, Monaghan travels around the world in search of the weirdest, most wildest creatures alive, in the hopes of educating and entertaining viewers for the animals that many of us never knew existed.

This season he journeys to such exotic locations, like Bolivia, Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, Palau, Peru and the Philippines in search of these incredible species.

Ecorazzi chatted with Monaghan to discuss his passion for wildlife, his favorite experiences of the season and whether an experience has ever been too wild for him.

What first ignited your passion for wildlife? Were you always interested in nature?

Yeah, I have been always interested in animals. I can’t remember not being interested. I grew up watching “Survival”, Jacques Cousteau, that kind of thing. Whenever there was an animal or insect featured, I always prided myself on knowing what it was. In a lot of ways, it’s something that is in my D.N.A. I thought everyone was interested in animals, so I found it very bizarre when people weren’t. I think everyone should love animals. They live around us, they’re here with us all the time. They are incredible creatures.

Yes, they are. What made you want to do the show initially? How did it come to be?

It happened because of my holiday. When I go on holiday, between acting jobs, I will pick an animal somewhere in the world that I want to see and then go to the city and ask the locals during the daytime or nighttime how I can find the animal. “Do I need to take a bus or a boat, or another plane?” And then I would head down and find a guide. So, anytime I would come back from these trips, I would tell my agent about them, and he said, “You know, this could be a TV show. You just need a camera crew to follow you around.” So, I ended up pitching it to a few different people, and then one of them took it on and we were off to the races.

Tell us a little bit about this new season. What makes it different than the others?

I think this season we are lucky enough to be working with the Travel Channel, so we can dig a little deeper, go a little bigger. Travel Channel prides itself on doing big expedition-type trips. I loved working with BBC America, and I hope to work with them another time, but we probably didn’t have the budget to go to Madagascar, to go to Africa, to go to Brazil, and this year we did. We were able to really push ambitious ideas this year, so the trips are a little bigger and the animals that are targeted were a little harder to find, so the show dealt with a bit more drama. “Will I find the creature?”

Which experience really stood out for you this season?

In terms of this year, I think being in Madagascar was quite special. These people are quite poor and I would see these kids on the streets, who don’t have a lot of money, so that image stuck with me. And then there was the safari in Africa where we saw the white lion, which are extremely, critically endangered and have the potential in the next few years to die out altogether. One of my most favorite countries in South America is Peru and we were able to go there twice this year.

Has there ever been an instance or experience in which you thought, this is just too wild even for me?

No, not really. In terms of animals, never. I have been bitten, stung and mauled by a few different things, and in some ways it’s worth it for me in terms of experience. I have a few scars, but the scars are nothing compared to what the animal is going through. The things that get me down is the travel time. A lot of times we leave Los Angeles and we travel for a day and a half, or two days, to get to the location. Once we get to the country, we might have to travel for the whole day. That can be taxing. In terms of animals, I might be put in situations where I might get hurt but I trust my instincts in not getting too hurt and I trust the animal’s inclinations to not kill me if I am approaching it correctly.

Was there anything that you set out to do with these new episodes that you couldn’t do or get to?

There are always animals that we are looking for, but we aren’t able to see. I’m the entomologist of the group. I love insects as much as I love animals, and I also love reptiles. And I’ll say to the group, let’s find this bug, let’s go find this animal, let’s go find this creature. And we just can’t find them. We have been lucky and we have been unlucky. We have tried to find animals who haven’t been seen in the wild for fifteen years, and we think we won’t find it. And that’s the part that adds the drama to show. It’s like a treasure hunt.

What are you most excited for the viewers to see this season? What’s something that you think will blow their minds?

I think the cobra of Sri Lanka is a great episode. It is a snake that everyone knows, and it raises its body like it does – everyone knows what that posture is. In Madagascar, there is an extremely bizarre and charismatic primate who I think people will get a kick out of. What we are trying to do is inspire curiosity. You think you are animal lover, then suddenly you seen an animal that you didn’t even know existed. That’s the whole point of the show.

“Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan,” premieres on Travel Channel on Wed. January 27th!