Season 3

Episode guide Season 3

new headingWild Things with Dominic Monaghan was confirmed for a third season (See announcement HERE and press release HERE!) The show is moving to a new home: the Travel Channel.

“Travel Channel has begun production on Season 3 of Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan, the adventure series that follows the actor and wildlife enthusiast as he searches for the world’s most exotic animals. The first 2 seasons of Wild Things have been acquired by the network.”

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Episode One – Majestic Mozambique (January 2016)
*PREMIERE EPISODE* January 5th on OLN Canada and January 27th on Travel Channel USA!

Dominic Monaghan explores Mozambique, Africa’s eastern gem known for its 1,600 miles of unbroken and emerald coastline. Here, Monaghan is hot on the trail of the largest fish on the planet – the whale shark, which can weigh up to 42 tons! Along the way, he enters a local boat race; partakes in an annual fishing celebration; and runs into school children who point him to everything from harmless to dangerous creatures.

Episode Two – Bearing Down in Bolivia (TBC)

Dominic Monaghan pursues the largest land animal in South America — the Andean bear. Along the way, he stops through the Uyuni salt flats, a former mining area that’s now littered with abandoned shipping trains; stumbles upon a flamingo lake on the edge of a volcano; and takes a quick detour where he finds himself in a wild wrestling match… with female fighters.

Episode Three – Getting High in Peru (TBC)

Dominic Monaghan climbs one of the highest peaks of Peru to find a miracle of adaptation – the Lake Titicaca frog, which can survive on virtually zero oxygen. As he makes this arduous ascent, Monaghan encounters a condor with a 10-foot wingspan; stumbles upon a herd of camel – like animals that produces the most expensive yarn on the planet; and stays with an indigenous community that lives on a floating island made of straw and reed.

Episode Four – Mythical Madagascar (TBC)

Madagascar is known for its unusual landscapes and weird wildlife. This African is land is home to about 100 different types of native lemurs – the most famous and feared of all is the aye-aye. As Dominic Monaghan searches for this nocturnal creature, he crosses a harrowing stone forest called the Big Tsingy; runs into the smallest and the largest chameleons on Earth; and gets bitten by a rare snake.

Episode Five – Paradise in Palau (TBC)

Dominic Monaghan heads to the South Pacific paradise of Palau to search for a king crustacean – the coconut crab, which can literally crack coconuts with its three-foot leg span. Along the way, he stops by a lagoon lined with limestone that has anti-aging properties; dives into a lake teeming with millions of jellyfish; and enters a cove where a species older than dinosaurs live – the 100-million-year-old hawksbill sea turtle.

Episode Six – Peru’s Electrifying Amazon (TBC)

Dominic Monaghan trolls the Amazon River for a creature that’s part fish and part stun gun – the electric eel. To navigate the largest river in the world, he travels via an actual giant houseboat; discovers wildlife in the rainforest’s tall treetops; encounters an aggressive primate species called hellboy monkey; and visits a local shaman to cure a nasty cold.

Episode Seven – Real Dragons in the Philippines (TBC)

A massive archipelago made up of 7,000 islands, the Philippines is home to the flying lizard – the closest thing to a real live dragon. En route to find the creature, Dominic Monaghan runs into a psychic who predicts his future; crosses a lush landscape known as chocolate hills; and explores eerie mangroves where he discovers a slimy mollusk that locals serve as a delicacy.

Episode Eight – Sri Lanka’s Cunning Cobra (TBC)

Dominic Monaghan explores a country known as the snakebite capital of the world – Sri Lanka. Here, there are 100 different snake species, and the most dangerous is the Indian cobra. On his journey, Monaghan visits a tea planation, a common hiding place for snakes; tries his hand at the challenging and uncomfortable task of stilt fishing; and climbs Sigiriya Rock – an ancient city built on top of a massive granite monolith.

Episode Nine – Swimming with Florida Sharks (TBC)

Dominic Monaghan dives into the Florida Keys in search of one of the sea’s most infamous animals – sharks. To do so, he joins a research team that studies
some of the largest and deadliest sharks. Along the way, he crosses through the Everglades to learn the indigenous tradition of alligator wrestling and stumbles on a dangerous rattlesnake while driving an airboat.

Episode Ten (TBC)

Episode Eleven (TBC)

Episode Twelve (TBC)

Episode Thirteen (TBC)

Go back to Season 1 info.
Go back to Season 2 info.

More ways to watch Wild Things internationally: How Can I Watch Wild Things?